THE criteria for membership of the Club is ownership of, or interest in, penny farthing or antique cycles. There are no restrictions placed on the type of cycle, other than what generally conforms to the concept of a penny farthing or antique cycle, either in the form of an original machine, a replica or near replica of an original; or a variation of a veteran cycle. In consideration of the very low, intact, survival rate of antique cycles, the restoration of an original cycle, involves the replacement of a considerable number of the major component parts; to the point where there is very little left of the original machine. Therefor, replicas, rebuilds and remodels of antique cycles are broadly considered as falling within the category of an antique cycle/replica.
Membership is open to all persons resident within the State of New South Wales, with a special category of associate membership for those outside of the State, wishing to participate in the activities of the the Club.
Further details on membership can be obtained by email from: